Relocation Help

Relocation Tips

Here are some relocation tips to help you prepare for your move. While relocation can be a bit stressful, Being prepared and understanding the relocation process can make it significantly easier.

What to Do, and When to Do It…

6-8 weeks Prior To Move

  • Start collecting boxes & packing material
  • Contact movers and get several estimates.
  • Make reservations if you plan to rent a moving truck.
  • Prepare an up-to date inventory by photographing all your valuable possessions, including antiques, electronics and furniture.

4-6 Weeks Prior To Move

  • Mail change of address cards (available at the post office) to friends, relatives, credit card companies, magazines, etc.
  • Research public & private schools in the area. Find out how to transfer school records.
  • Arrange to have physician’s records and medical prescriptions transferred.
  • Order new phone directory for your new location.
  • Arrange for disconnection & connection of utilities and services.

2-3 Weeks Prior To Move

  • Organize important papers, including loan information and insurance documents for easy referral during and after the move.
  • Contact Department of Motor Vehicles for driver’s license information.
  • Schedule a child sitter for moving day.

Last Week Prior To Move

  • Finalize all moving arrangements.
  • Pack an “essentials kit” of items you will need when you first arrive at your new home.

Moving-Out Day

  • Make a final inspection of your home to make sure you packed everything.
  • Check closets, the attic, the basement, the shed and the garage.
  • Leave the keys, garage door openers, etc. with the landlord or the real estate agent.

We can assist in helping you create relocation tips and better understand the schedule for your specific needs as you prepare to relocate. Our goal is to help make the relocation to your new home as easy and stress free as possible.

If you need help, need some referrals or would like to get more great tips….Contact me, I will be happy to send you more useful and helpful information.

I would love the opportunity to work with you!

Michael Miller, LLC


Phone: +1 757-286-3878